Friday, May 18, 2018 | 7:30 am | Blair County Convention Center
Join ABCD Corporation at our annual meeting on Friday, May 18th, where we will welcome our keynote speaker, Warren Wright. Warren started the firm “Coaching Millennials” in response to an overwhelming demand by companies to help hire and manage Millennials. For 5-years, he partnered with economist and historian Neil Howe, the best-selling author on today’s generations, who gave Millennials their name. Working with Howe underscored the power of generations in today’s society, and their ability to shape culture, society, and workplaces in their own image. Yet too few people recognize this influence. Recognizing this disconnect, Warren seeks to educate, teach, and coach leaders about Millennials and all generations.
Keynote Address: Without a growing, talented, and vibrant community, it can be really tough for regional economies, businesses and the places that surround them to succeed. Our next generation workforce is more mobile, diverse and bring new demands of the communities’ they choose to live and the businesses for whom they work or create. Understanding the Millennials, Gen Z and the overall pace of change that shapes future generation thinking is key to Blair County’s economic success.
Click Here to Register: To register for our annual meeting on Friday, May 18, 2018, please complete the registration information at Please note that that you can pay via Credit Card, PayPal, or print an invoice. If there are any questions please contact our office at 814-944-6113.